Brexit – extension, extension, extension

Brexit extension date is now 31 October 2019, but there’s not time to be complacent.

Are you planning to submit a Marketing Authorisation Application (MAA) for a Non-Prescription Medicine?

If you are preparing an MAA for a Non-Prescription Medicine for a Decentralised (DCP) or Mutual Recognition Procedure (MRP) you will need to prepare a ‘Justification for Non-Prescription Classification’ document in accordance to CMDh best practice guide issued in January 2019 (CMDh/250/2012, Rev 1).

Ideally this document should be submitted as part of the initial MAA.  Otherwise, you will be requested to provide it at the validation stage.

This document should be titled, “Justification for Non-Prescription Classification” and should be provided in Module 1.2.  It should contain all the supporting data and evidence required to justify classification of the medicinal product as not subject to medical prescription as set out in the Guideline on Changing the Classification for the Supply of a Medicinal Product for Human Use [].

If you need any clarification or advise to prepare a justification for Non-Prescription classification report to support a Marketing Authorisation Application, Ivowen will gladly assist you in a timely manner. Please contact us.


Related news in relation to Brexit

The current Brexit extension date is 31 October 2019.  The UK remains an EU Member State for the duration of the extension, with all the rights and obligations set out in the treaties and under EU law.

Nevertheless, all pharmaceutical companies in the EU are reminded to continue their preparedness for the UK’s withdrawal.

Based on the European Council decision, the deadline of 29 March 2019 referred to in Brexit related guidance should be understood as referring to 31 October 2019.


  • The MHRA have updated guidance on Exporting active substance manufactured in the UK in a no deal scenario on 03/06/2019.

A template for the Written Confirmation can be found on the European Commission website,

In the event of a no deal EU exit, the UK will be recognised as a Third Country for the export of active substances for human use to the EEA.

In the event of a no deal scenario, the UK will continue to accept importation of active substances into the UK without a Written Confirmation from the same list of countries as currently (namely the European Economic Area (EEA) countries, USA, Japan, Brazil, Australia, Israel and Switzerland).

A Written Confirmation will then be required for each shipment of active substances manufactured in the UK that is exported to the EEA.

Please contact us if you need any clarification or support to supply Written Confirmation(s) for the orderly import of Active Substances, Ivowen will gladly assist you in a timely manner.


  • The MHRA have issued a guidance on the Handling of Active Substance Master Files and Certificates of Suitability in the event of no deal published 18 March 2019.

After Brexit, the UK will no longer participate in ASMF work-sharing procedures with EU Member States or have access to the EU Communication and Tracking System (CTS) assessment report repository. Any reference in the above guideline to the CTS ASMF assessment repository or to EU/ASMF/XXXXX reference numbers will not be applicable to UK national applications after the UK leaves the EU.

Certificates of Suitability (CEPs) are not affected by the UK leaving the EU as they are issued by the European Directorate for the Quality of Medicines and Healthcare (EDQM), which is a Directorate of the Council of Europe and a body that is independent of the EU. On leaving the EU, the UK will remain a member of the Council of Europe and a signatory to the Convention on the Elaboration of a European Pharmacopoeia.

Please contact us if you need any additional information or if you need any clarification or advise on ASMFs or CEPs, Ivowen will gladly assist you in a timely manner.





Written by Marian Winder